fees and useful information

Information on care home Fees

Depending on your financial situation, your local authority may pay some of the costs of your care. This is dependent on a means test of your savings and assets which includes any income from your pension, benefits etc and possibly your home if you live alone or if you are both moving into a care home. (The local authority will disregard the value of your home for 12 weeks after your admission to permanent nursing or residential care).

There are three bands of support:

  1. Your local authority may pay for the cost of your residential or nursing care home if your capital is less than
  1. You will be expected to contribute towards your care from your pension benefits. However, you can keep £22.30 a week spending money.
  2. Your local authority may pay some but not all of the cost of your residential or nursing care home if your capital is between:
£14,250   – £23,250
£22,500 – £22,500
£14,500 – £23,500
  1. You will have to pay the full costs of your residential or nursing care home if
    your capital is over:
  1. If your capital falls below the upper amount while you are in a care home, you will become eligible for help from the local authority.If you are paying for your care yourself the NHS will contribute towards the nursing part of your care. This is called “Registered Nursing Care Contribution™” and currently stands at £108.70 per week in England.

If you choose a home that is more expensive than the local authority is willing to pay for you are allowed to arrange a third party contribution from another source.

You may be entitled to other benefits such as Attendance Allowance and Pension Credit, for more information contact the Benefits Agency on 0800 88 22 00

You can also get more advice from charities such as Age Concern 0800 00 99 66 and Help the Aged 0808 800 6565